Downloading XLS

Hello I am unable to download my XLS form. Can anyone help me with that?

Welcome to the community, @mmaieane! Could you also share a screenshot of your issue so that the community should also be able to understand your issue pictorially?

Hi @Kal_Lam there is no error message showing but the download is not happening either.

@mmaieane, could you share a screenshot of what appears on your screen? BTW, could you also let us know the server you are using?

@Kal_Lam I am using, Nothing happens when I try to download XLS form so I can’t even take screenshot because nothing happens when I try to download that is the problem.

@mmaieane, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Hello Kal, There is no error message showing but the download is not happening either.

@mmaieane, did you share with me the details requested above through a private message?

@Kal_Lam yes I did sent them.