Dynamic data attachment stopped working - syntax has not changed


A few weeks ago, I created a parent and a child form and linked them according to the dynamic data attachment instructions. They worked upon testing, and nothing has been changed either in the xls form or the form builder since then. Today I discovered that the dynamic data function has stopped working, and I cannot understand what is causing this. I have triple checked all the syntax for errors, tried unlinking and re-linking the forms, uploading them as entirely new projects, and nothing fixes the issue. Unless something has changed in the dynamic data syntax rules, I cannot see how these functions would work one week and not the next. I am attaching my example files - can anyone please assist?

ex_parent.xlsx (10.8 KB)
ex_child.xlsx (12.8 KB)

NOTE: In the child form, the reference variable exists in a different group than the variables for which I need to pull data from the parent form. So, I used the workaround to create a calculate variable which is a duplicate of the reference variable in the same group as the other variables. I then used the new calculate variable as the one to match the parent form reference variable. This issue and workaround are documented in more detail in this thread. Again, this worked fine a few weeks ago and I have not since changed any of the syntax.

Thanks in advance,

@caratupps, just to confirm you that nothing has been touched for the dynamic data attachment feature. A quick question, did you mean the forms were linking before but now it’s not linking? Could you also let us know the server you are using? Are you on a public server or a private server?

Hi @Kal_Lam,

Yes, the forms were linking before just fine, but then they stopped. I am using the public US server (non-humanitarian).


Hi @Kal_Lam,

Were you able to reproduce the issue from my example forms?
