Empty repeat groups not visible on Jump menu

I have a form that has two sets of repeat groups - they are not nested.

If you try to navigate between these groups using the Jump menu it is extremely confusing. I have created a ‘test form’ to illustrate… The screenshots show the jump menu - question labels

There are no repeat groups visible so how do I find the repeat?

If I just try linear entry of data and create my first repeat, it then appears on the Jump menu:

But if I want to enter data within the 2nd repeat loop it is messy. To say the least.

Jump to the question ‘This is the end’; go ‘back’; go ‘next’; choose ‘do not add’ to loop 1; choose ‘add’ to loop 2.

REALLY unexpected behaviour!

Now that these repeats are visible I can easily jump between them to add new sets of data within each repeat…

When I tested this on the server (i.e. with Enketo) there was no hint that this might happen. This led to an embarrassing situation with a client during a training session… and I had to make up the ‘go forwards and back’ on the hop (it felt like doing the Hokey Cokey) and very difficult to instruct while physically distanced!

To solve? I have a workaround which is to add a ‘note’ question between the groups - this allows me to jump here then go ‘next’ to add a repeat. But it is quite clunky…

I have also tried to replicate this with ODK Collect using the XLSForms online converter at getodk.org and this problem does not occur (the empty repeat groups are shown so I can jump to them), so I guess there must be a mismatch with the versions of form xml and this a feature that KoboToolbox doesn’t support?

Can anyone tell me whether this is likely to be resolved in the near future?

Could you, please, provide your XLSForm for your example. To see the repeat/form structure, would allow better support.

Side note: Never trust Enketo alone for test of KoBo/ODK Collect (offline) applications. There are several differences in behaviour.
Best regards

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Hi @wroos
Here’s the xlsx file and the xml that KoboToolbox created.

Repeat_Gotcha.xlsx (10.1 KB)
Repeat-gotcha-kobo.xml (2.5 KB)

Also the ODK xml for reference
Repeat_Gotcha-ODK.xml (2.1 KB)

The difference appears to be within in the <model> for each repeat group:

Kobo xml:
<Loop-A jr:template="">

ODK xml:
<Loop-A jr:template="">

Thanks for the side note - lesson learnt! It’s the first time I’ve done that in years of developing forms - usually I do lots of testing on my own devices. This was an adaptation of an existing data structure to add a second repeat group and it never crossed my mind that there would be a special Gotcha waiting just for this occasion!

Appreciate the support.