Error displaying graphs with non-numerical data

Dear Kobo Community,

I am a new user to this software and so far have not been able to find an answer to this question.

After downloading a dataset from KoboToolbox and programming everything into Excel Analyzer, I have been unable to use many of the graph display functions the program is meant to have–none of the questions can be displayed unless the answer is numerical, and the data disaggregation function is not working, either.

Is there an extra programming step so that Excel can read single-choice and multiple-choice answers? Thank you for your help.

(I am trying to execute the function that is pictured as follows in the manual):

Hi @jfish :slight_smile:

Welcome in the KOBO community!

You have a strange issue with the KOBO Excel Analyser. In the choices tab you will need to rename “list_name” by “list name” to display data.
I reported this bug : "list_name" (choices tab) hard coded bug with the Kobo Excel Analyser but still not had an answer of when it’s going to be fixed !

Also, with my NGO we created a tutorial with some tips to deal with the KOBO Excel Analyser, it may interest you :
In the “III.1. Generalities” part you will find the steps to follow in order to display data

All the best,


Dear Chloe,

You are an actual lifesaver. This tiny change made a 100% difference. Thank you so much!



With pleasure @jfish ! :slight_smile: