"list_name" (choices tab) hard coded bug with the Kobo Excel Analyser

Hi there,

For the past 3 years we have had a big issue working with the Kobo Excel Analyser, that we have shared a number of times both with the Kobo & OCHA team. The tool does not work when the XLSForm has in its “choices” tab the “list name” column as “list_name” rather than “list name”, which is the way that Kobo exports its XLSForms (and therefore the way it is automatically generated in the too), as there is a hard coded bug (that was not present in previous versions of the Kobo Excel Analyser, this is only the case in v1.23 of the tool).

We are using EXCEL 2013, KOBO Humanitarian response & ODK Collect v1.22.4.

As soon as you manually replace the “_” by a space everything works. But it needs to be tweaked by each user for it to function, which is horribly tiresome…


The tool is extremely useful in contexts with low connectivity that can’t have nice and shily online dashboards to analyse the data easily so I really think that it should be kept, but this bug has been around for 3 years.

I know that this is supposed to be fixed by OCHA, who developed the tool in the first place, and that you only make it available. But could you look into this further / discuss it with them? They have been notified of this multiple times, and were even working on a v1.24 at some stage, so it might not require much work to get it out there and will be very useful and will simplify a lot the work of field teams…

Thanks a lot

Chloé :slight_smile:


100% agree here.
Everyone that uses it will always “forget” the “_” …then say IT DOESNT WORK!!!:frowning:
WHen it is really useful tool once you pass this little bug!