Hi @jfish
Welcome in the KOBO community!
You have a strange issue with the KOBO Excel Analyser. In the choices tab you will need to rename “list_name” by “list name” to display data.
I reported this bug : "list_name" (choices tab) hard coded bug with the Kobo Excel Analyser but still not had an answer of when it’s going to be fixed !
Also, with my NGO we created a tutorial with some tips to deal with the KOBO Excel Analyser, it may interest you : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pb1aysz1y9okakw/Encoder%20guide%20for%20Kobo%20Data%20Analyser_EN_1711.pdf?dl=0
In the “III.1. Generalities” part you will find the steps to follow in order to display data
All the best,