Error in loading second language (from English -en- to Bo Laos -bgl)

Hi all,

I need to translate an English form into a Bengali language (code being bgl), to be used in Laos.
I understand how to 1-identify default language (eng) 2- add another language using KoBo, and checking 3- write, copy-paste translation on KoBo - and select done.

but, when I go on ‘preview’, loading is difficult and either returns an error (error in loading) or it get stuck.

I also already try to edit the XLS file, including label for English (en) and Bo Laos (bgl).
in attachment the error message, xls file - survey tab only - with a few translated lines.
I really appreciate your support!

Can you try change the Bo Laos to BoLaos and see if this resolves the issue

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Dear Stephane,

It works! many many mant thanks!
