From the attached, on the survey sheet, I would like to put a restriction such that total summations from row 125-135 is equal to 100, as illustrated in row 137. UNfortunately this error pops up; : Encountered a problem with display condition for node [${caculatevalued}] at line: ${valhealth} !=‘’ and ${valrep} !=‘’ and ${valsaan} !=and ${valcare} != and ${valaford} != and ${valvio} != and ${valempoer} ! =and ${valearning} !=and ${valstigma} !=and ${valenviron} !=and ${valdecision} !=100, Couldn’t understand the expression starting at this point: …data/valempoer͎!=and ${v}…find attached the form and kindly help.
SROI. Amref strategy 2018-2024_women - Copy.xlsx (28.4 KB)
Welcome back to the community, @paul_maleya! This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue: