Error occured during the loading of this form. It is recommended not to edit this record until this is resolved

Hi @team I’m facing this problem trying to edit or openning a form

@Daltonharvey seems like you are on the OCHA server. We are having issues with the OCHA server. We will get back to you once we resolve this.

@Daltonharvey please be informed that the server is back again! Apologies for the inconvenience caused!

dear sir
hope you are fine
i am facing the same problem while wanted to Edit the record
if you could share your experience with me to solve the problem
thank you

@unhabitathlp seems like you have the same issue with a different post. Linking it with the other post:

Let’s continue the discussion in the other post. Having multiple posts makes the search a bit unsystematic in the forum. Hence making you this request. Thank you for your understanding!

hello i have the same issue,

Welcome to the community, @skasmani! Did you resolve your issue? If no, could you share a screenshot of the same so that the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially?