Error Preview parameters must include randomized values

I can not preview my form, the error message is: Parameters mus be include randomized =true to use a seed. But I am not using a seed in any of my questions.

Anyone know what could be wrong?

Hi @debora,

Could you briefly explain how and when did you happened to encounter this error message!


It happened during building a form. However I discovered that if I deleted the all the questions where I had clicked on the seed or randomise button the error disappeared and I could again preview the Form.

If anyone has a good explanation of what the randomise and seed functions are I would like to read it.

Thank you!

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I also faced this problem. I think this error occurs when we increase number in seed box and then deleted the seed number. I solved this problem by downloading xlsform and delete Parameters column of survey sheet and then upload xlsform by using Replace Form.


Hi @zinmin232,

Welcome to the community! Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge to the community! We expect the same in the upcoming days too!


Hello Zinmin232 thank you for your post I can solve the same problem without any problem. I was suffering try to fix the error.


Another option is to download the XLS, verify the column “parameters” and then identify the question affected, after this you just go to the form online and delete the question an replace for a newone. This was faster for me.

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Welcome to the community @koboshareasmr! And thank you for making this community a learning and sharing platform by sharing your experience and solutions with the community. Expecting the same in the upcoming days too! :pray: