Export large media files

Hi everyone, it’s me again

So I have another project collect media files (photos) and I think that the media zip file (all project’s medias) is more than 6 gb, so it was near to 5 h trying to export the media zip file and till now it’s just showing me pending message, is there any way to export large zip files?
Export not download.
My internet speed is 100 Mbps,
Also I tryed to export the file from the legacy (it’s new interface) and from the project data and both give me pending message.

Thank you again

Have you tried downloading it with the Free Download Manager as outlined in the post discussed previously? It should help you download large files smoothly:

Hi @Kal_Lam and thank you for your response,

I mentioned in my topic that my problem is not downloading the file but exporting it.

I’m not able to export the file not downloading it.


@musto, the post that I have shared above is a small workaround to use Free Download Manager. Have you gone through it closely? It should help you download large data files.

Sir, let me repeat again, my problem is not with downloading, kobo platform doesn’t make the link of the media file to download it.

can you see pending … click to Refresh phrase in the picture I attached?
my issue that there is no link provided instead of pending which let me to download the file.

@musto, my workaround shared above should only help you when the Pending is seen no more.

Maybe this post discussed previously should help you manage download through the curl command:

I saw the past before, can you please reference me to some helpful links can help me to understand curl command and how to use it.

@musto, please be informed that this issue has been fixed, and you should now be able to download your Media Attachments (ZIP) smoothly without any issue.

For details, you could also see our announcement:

Hi @Kal_Lam
Please help me, I have a project collecting media files (photos) and I think the media zip file is more than 10 GB, so it took almost 3 days to export the media zip file and till now it is just showing me Pending message or Failed, is there any way to export large zip files or download them all at once?

Also, I tried exporting the file from legacy (its new interface) and project data and both are giving me pending message.

Thanks again
user id mdra
project : BCRM listing survey-2024