Filtering answer

hello, I want to ask about the filter

for example, if you have a question
Q1 :
answer 1
answer 2
answer 3
answer 4

Q2 :
answer 1
answer 2
answer 3
answer 4
answer 5

if Q2 is filtered from Q1, and answer 5 still always appears in Q2. is there any solution for this problem?

Welcome to the community, @mridwan_21! Could you also let us know the question type you have planned for Q1 and Q2? In addition, what option do you intend to select in Q1 where answer 5 is always displayed in Q2? These details should be helpful for the community to help you solve your issue.

the second type of question is multi.

i want to filter answer 1 to answer 4 in Q2 of question Q1. so that answer 5 always comes up in Q2.

@mridwan_21, maybe you could do it as outlined in the post discussed previously:

in that example use single choice, if using multiple this will be complex because many answer choices can appear.

for example, if you have a question
Q1 :

  1. red
  2. blue
  3. yellow
  4. green

Q2 :

  1. red
  2. blue
  3. yellow
  4. green
  5. none

if in Q1 choices 1 and 2 are chosen, then in Q2 choices 1,2, and 5 will appear. if in Q1 you choose 1,2,3 then in Q2 choices 1,2,3, and 5 will appear. Q1 is selected regardless of answer, choice 5 will still appear in Q2

If this is the case, you could do it as outlined in the post discussed previously:

okay thanks for the answer, I’ll try

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