Finalised forms stuck into the smartphone after deleting the questionnaire on Kobo Server


A colleague deleted the deployed questionnaires on Kobo toolbox server short after the survey began. Partners collecting the data were not informed and kept on going with the interviews.

Now, completed forms are stuck in the smartphone (“send finalised questionnaires”). Is there any way to get these data either by restoring the connection between the forms and the server or directly by connecting the phone to a computer and copying the data?

Many thanks in advance!

Welcome to the community, @Dylan! This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue (however please note that you will need an ODK Briefcase for this):

Thank you for the return. I tried every versions of ODK briefcase but each time, 0 submission could be extracted.

@Dylan, if this is the case, then maybe you will need to see if there are submissions still left in the device.