Form Version ID

Dear Team,
I have created an xlsform and set a verion id,however when the form is uploaded I can’t see the id.What could be the issue?

Hi @stobira,

Welcome to the community! Could you further let us know: where did you use the id? what do you intend to see after using the id?

This should help us identify you issue in detail. GOOD DAY!

Thank you for a quick response.In my xlsform ,I always include Version ID in the settings sheet,for example 20190901 as the version ID.When I upload the form on Kobocollect in my phone,version of the form is automatically loaded with some string values and not what I had indicated.I wonder if the my assigned ID could show Kobo Collect .


KoBoToolbox replaces the version ID from XLSForm with its own internal string. A unique string is attributed for each redeployment of the form. It would be great to display the simple integer increment number used in the UI instead of this random string. Unfortunately there are no plans to change this behaviour in the near future. We however recommend that you post requests to display sequential IDs or allow custom version IDs are welcome in Suggestion Box - KoboToolbox Community Forum


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We made this change on June 1, 2021: