Release Notes - version 2.021.21, 2.021.21a

Hello all, we’re pleased to share our work on a new release of KoBoToolbox, which was deployed

  • on at 31 May 2021 20:35 UTC, and
  • on at 1 June 2021 22:00 UTC.

We hope you enjoy this release, and please do not hesitate to use this forum to report any new issues that you may discover.

New features and enhancements

PR Description Related Issues
Allow users to synchronize forms in the legacy interface with the new interface closes #3150
Upgrade pyxform from 0.15.1 to 1.5.1. Please see the pyxform change log for a complete list of changes.
This adds XLSForm (not form builder) and export support for the question types background-audio, start-geopoint, and rank. The types select_one_from_file, select_multiple_from_file, xml-external, and csv-external are also supported but in a more limited way: exports will show only raw response values (e.g. choice names) for these, not labels.
Closes #2605
Closes kobocat#604
Includes kobotoolbox/formpack#247
kobocat#676 Add friendlier version information to form lists shown in KoBoCollect and ODK Collect
Instead of showing the unique, randomly-generated version identifier, Collect will now display sequential version numbers (1, 2, 3, …) that match the “Form history” interface, as well as the date that the version was created. You will need to redeploy existing forms to see the new version information, but no changes to the form content are needed
Fixes #674
Related to kobotoolbox/kpi#3046

Bug fixes and other improvements

PR Description Related Issues
#3135 Change tags endpoint limit to avoid timeouts
Fix Form Builder timeouts caused by tags endpoint fetching too many tags.
#3144 Fix missing drag-and-drop guide in formbuilder
The formbuilder used to have a helpful box displaying where a dragged question will land. This was lost due to a regression in the colour rework PR but is fixed here. Also changed colour and thickness
Fixes #3138
#3182 Fix transient missing translation issue
Clone form content before operating on it, as opposed to using the original value. Fixes one known issue and possibly some more we haven’t noticed yet.
Fixes #3179
#3196 Remove warning message from ZIP exports
Remove the message “This export format will not be supported in the future. Please consider using one of the other export types available” from ZIP exports. It was misleading because ZIP exports will be supported indefinitely: there’s not yet a replacement for them in KPI (non-legacy) exports, and when there is, we’ll offer a seamless transition path.
Fixes #3186
#3219 Assigning “Change submissions” now implies "Add submissions"
Because editing a submission in effect is creating a new submission that replaces the old one (see deprecatedID), “Change submissions” actually requires “Add submissions”. The user interface now reflects this.
Fixes #3218
Closes #3148
#3233 Fix page crash when translating empty form
Fix issue where attempting to translate an empty form crashes the page
Fixes #3232
kobocat#715 Change the legacy interface banner and pop-up message to warn of immiment feature removal

Of interest to developers

PR Description Related Issues
#3157 Fix kobocat proxy request user
Properly identify the requesting user when performing bulk edits or submission duplication, instead of attributing to the project owner
#3166 Avoid unnecessary external traffic when synchronizing user profiles between KPI and KoBoCAT
closes #3001
#3201 Fix API documentation typo
Fix the API documentation so that it refers to the KoBoCAT submission (singular) endpoint, not submissions (which doesn’t exist)
Inspired by #3190
Mongo query timeout
Added a timeout to Mongo Queries to ensure that they don’t run for several hours at a time
fixes #3158
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We have released a few additional changes today, 1 June, at 22:00 UTC on both servers. The identifier for this small update is 2.021.21a.

PR Description Related Issues
#723 Add validation on XForms when creating metadata objects
#727 Improve user messaging about upcoming changes
#714 Validate metadata uploads
Include XML as an accepted file type and ensure validation of file types when uploading form-media through the /metadata endpoint.
closes #709