i have a case where a group of people gets a survey, which they are not going to enter all data.
the submission should be forwarted to a certain person to add the remaining data.
first and second person needs to be named by their entries.
first person can do the data entry to the server.
second person would enter data on their mobil device.
@gentlemansexpress, sorry to inform you that this is not possible. Parts of the submission cannot be shared with someone else (other enumerators to be filled and submitted).
thank you for answering my questions .
i fully understand that my task is not following sa.e track as koboy basic idea.
but i think we are not the only one, who deal with polls that demand answers from two persons , couple be son and father, couple or even volunteers.
my further questions is, would you see a chance to that we can find someone to add the option : push a certain submission to the defined second involved persons mobil app to complete the submission?
@gentlemansexpress, this is possible if you exploit the dynamic data attachment feature. Feel free to learn more about this feature through the support article here:
With the dynamic data attachment feature you will first need to create a parent form that will have the identifier details. Then once you have the identifier details in the parent form, you can create a section of the form that should be filled by a specific user and then deploy then as a child form. You can create as many child forms as needed for your parent form.
So now the procedure to collect the data would be as follows:
Collect parent data first. Say person 1. Once done, he/she will need to submit that submission to the server. The server takes 5 minutes to sync the parent-child form so data collection by person 2 can only happen after 5 minutes of submitting the data to the server.
Once the data is sent to the server, person 2 can continue data collection. But this is in a new child form. Person 2 has to enter the identifier that will pull data from the parent form to the child form for the sections that were entered by person 1. Once the information is pulled to the blank form where person 2 is trying to make a submission, person 2 can continue making data collection.
This process keeps extending based on how many child form your project have.