Get Error: Pop up from empty list

Hi everyone, I’ve finalized my xls form and trying to upload it but I am receiving an error message “pop from empty list.”

Hi @semmwa and welcome to the community!

Can you validate your form in here to see if there are any syntax issues?

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I have validated my form and it is not showing any syntax issues


Can you check the following in your form?

  • One likelihood is that you have provided for a list in either a select_one or select_multiple question and no list provided in the choices sheet.
  • Seems an unmatched “end group” at the end of a form can also cause this “pop from empty list” error message.
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@hakan_cetinkaya thank you so much I was able to resolve it. I actually did not delete a line from the previous template. It is an end group that was not needed


@semmwa :clap: :clap:

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As it is interesting if this error is not detected by the Online validator, would you mind to share an extract of your previous form version to reproduce and review this error, please?

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@semmwa, sharing the problem part and the solution part would benefit the entire community members as advised by @wroos. :pray:

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