Get submissions from API V2 into Excel/Power BI requires public sharing

I used to get my submissions into Excel/Power BI using the API V1 link. I had to provide my credentials when connecting through Power Query and it worked perfectly. Today, these old V1 links no longer work and I had to use V2 links from here:{Form-ID}/export-settings/

The problem is that I couldn’t get this to work until I enabled public sharing on my form and submissions from the form settings

This is making my form and submissions viewable by anyone with a link to the form without any credentials. How can I get the submissions into Power Query only by providing my KoBo user and password ?

Hi Isslam, You can use the Token to access your link without username this is the easiest way if you are not going to use it in Power BI online services. If you would like to have more details you can check the video i shared.


Thanks! that solved the issue of not having to enable public sharing. For people with existing connections, you can go to your Power Query editor → Advanced Editor and update the Source line like this:
Source = Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents(“{Form-ID/export-settings/{Export-ID}/data.xlsx”, [Headers=[Authorization=“Token {Your_Token}”]]), null, true),


@osmanburcu if you don’t mind looking at this issue: Getting submissions using API V2 with synchronous export URL not refreshing