GPS data of downloaded photos

Hello everyone,

Currently we are conducting a survey of houses with low conditions in the city, and because not every house has a proper address or number, we put in our Enketo form a point (GPS) question and a photo question to identify which house we went to. Our next step is to put those information to a GIS map to illustrate the distribution and current condition of houses.
The problem is that when we download the zip attachments from Kobo to get the photos, the GPS data was completely stripped, even though we took our pictures with the smartphones’ GPS on.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Is there a function in Kobo where we can attach our GPS data from the point question to the photos?

Thank you.

Hi @sakubo14,

Welcome to the community! Have you tried this through KoBoCollect android app (keeping all the other settings similar i.e. turning the GPS on and setting the location on from within your smartphone’s camera).

Have a great day!