Handle Filter Response in KoBoToolbox - CASCADING

Hi All KoBo Users,

I have solution applying filter response (Cascading) in KoBo Toolbox.
Here my XLSForm to handle filter response in KoBo Toolbox.
I have brand awareness and brand usage question let say
G1-1 Top Of Mind (Single Answer)
G1-2 Others mention (Multiple Answer)
G1-3 Aided Brand Awareness (Multiple Answer)
G1-4 Brand Used Past 1 Year / Brand Ever Used (Multiple Answer)
G1-5 Brand Used Past 3 Months (Multiple Answer)
G1-6 Brand Used Past 1 Month (Multiple Answer)
G1-7 Brand Used Most Often (Multiple Answer)
G1-8 Recommended Brand (Multiple Answer)

G1-1 until G1-3 have question response

list name name label filter
Brand 1 Brand 1 1
Brand 2 Brand 2 2
Brand 3 Brand 3 3
Brand 4 Brand 4 4
Brand 5 Brand 5 5
Brand 6 Brand 6 6
Brand 7 Brand 7 7
Brand 8 Others … 8
Brand 9 Others … 9
Brand 10 None 10

and question G1-4 until G1-8 have response

list name name label filter
Brandx 1 Brand 1 1
Brandx 2 Brand 2 2
Brandx 3 Brand 3 3
Brandx 4 Brand 4 4
Brandx 5 Brand 5 5
Brandx 6 Brand 6 6
Brandx 7 Brand 7 7
Brandx 8 ${G1-1Oth} 8
Brandx 9 ${G1-2Oth} 9
Brandx 10 None 10

in G1-1 response code 9 and 10 not appear
in G1-2 response which selected in G1-1 not appear in G1-2, and code 9 and code 10 will appear in G1-2
in G1-3 code 1-7 and code 10 will appear
in G1-4 only code selected in G1-1 or G1-2 or G1-3 will appear in G1-4, code 8 will fill with response other from G1-1Oth, code 9 will fill with response other from G1-2Oth
in G1-5 only code selected in G1-4 will Appear in G1-5
in G1-6 only code selected in G1-5 will appear in G1-6
in G1-7 only code selected in G1-5 will appear in G1-7
in G1-8 only code selected in G1-1 or G1-2 or G1-3 G1-8

here my XLSForm for your reference
Response Filter

Hi Fahmi

Salam kenal …
Saya share script untuk kasus yang sama, versi lain Mas. Mengurangi penggunaan calculate.
Please, find the attached file …
Filter-Response-Tulus.xls (13.5 KB)


Hi Tulus,

Terimakasih banyak updatenya. Ini lebih simple dan lebih ringan karena lebih sedikit kalkulasinya.

Maklum saya masih baru di kobo, dan kemarin ketika mencari referensi tentang filter response tidak menemukan yang cocok.

Terimakasih ya.

Bisa di share trik yang lain kah kalau berkenan.


Ubek2 forum Mas, untuk kasus cascading juga saya dapat dari beberapa judul posting. Informasi contoh script saya gabungin.

Kalau mau cek error script bisa di link ini Mas :

Saya lagi coba buat server sendiri tapi belum berhasil

tutorialnya sudah update, tapi belum saya coba kembali. Siapa tahu Mas Fahmi mau mencoba, kalau berhasil tolong saya diajarin :smiley:


Wah … ini masih terlalu jauh buat saya. saya ngak ada begraound server lagi :slight_smile:

Tapi terrimakasih atas lingk nya.