Having issues with media files

Hi guys,

I’m having the same issue now (in the eu server).

If I start a new project, add a form and csv files and deploy, it all works.

As soon as I delete the csv file and upload an updated file with the same name, even after redeploying the enketo web cannot load the file.

Welcome to the community, @mtyszler_blonk! This is a bug at our end. But as a workaround until we fix it, could you kindly follow these steps outlined in our other post:

Yes! That seems to work.

Can you explain why?

Btw, I need to see how to do this, since the goal of having a csv was to automated the update process (i.e, have a pipeline that rebuilds the csv contents and updates it. But now I need to delete everything, deploy, add everything deploy… It should be doable but is a workaround

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FYI there has been a recent patch release of KoBo that relates to this issue:

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