I am trying to use a KoboToolBox form to create a ticket in ZenDesk.
So far I have been able to use the REST Services options to create a new ticket by passing the entire form submission using the %SUBMISSION% token, as follows (this works):
What I want to do is to pass the values of some of the form fields over to ZenDesk so that the Kobo fields will populate fields in the new ticket. What I want is something like this:
Hi @jguido, this is possible but you will have to use an intermediate step between Kobo and ZenDesk if you require a modified response as you are unable to customize this on the Kobo platform. Perhaps something like Zappier or IFTTT is able to function as this intermediate step
There is a post where I previously outline the basics of connecting to IFTTT so you can try extending it for your purposes: