How do I set up a QR code to share my project?

If I have understood correctly I can scan a QR code using KoboCollect and get access to a project.

How on KoboToolbox do I generate the QR code for my projects? I can’t see it in any of the settings. Thank you

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@dan_dane, you should be able to do it as outlined in our support article that has been shared previously:

Hello, building up on this thread, how do I set-up a QR code for Enketo (web forms) only? We’re launching a survey which will be completed by people on the own device, they don’t have the Kobocollect app. Let’s say the QR code is on a printed flyer, what would you recommend? thanks a lot

Hi @tiana_anjara,

You can use any QR Code Generator for your form URL.

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Great thanks!


@tiana_anjara, maybe this post discussed previously should help you guide the process:

Hello Kal, I would like to create a qr code for one of my surveys from enketo web, not with an external page that generates free qr codes, I want it from enketo itself

@GERSON, the system currently does not support generating a QR code. You will need an external app to do the same.

@Kal_Lam Thank you for your time, have a nice day.

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