How can limit number of selection of options in a multiple question
For example, if Q1 have 10 options the maximum selection will be 5 or less.
How can I compulsory 5 option selection in a multiple question
For example, if Q1 have 10 options, 5 options must be selected not more, not less than 5
How can I compulsory 5 option selection or more in a multiple question
For example, if Q1 have 10 options, 5 options must be selected or more
How can limit number of selection of options in a multiple question with a range
For example, if Q1 have 10 options the maximum selection will between 5 and 7 options.
Hello @Kal_Lam
I used ‘‘count-selected(.)=3 and not(selected(., ‘99’) and count-selected(.)>1)’’ for constraint To limit selection to 3 option and the "None’’ should be excluded . But none was not excluded and the message for ‘‘None’’ did not display
What I need is adding None and maximum selection of 3 or 5 options,
In The Question, there are about 7 options and the maximum of 5 must be selected and if None is selected, it will move to next question neglecting the maximum option.
This simply means that if anyone select less than 5 options it will not go to the next questions until 5 options are selected and if anyone select “None of the Above”, it will move to the next question not allowing other options since it is “None of the Above”
Hello @FEMMMY,
it just seems a problem of your LOGIC. Would you mind, please, to formulate the constraints first as simple text (or decission table), using and/or expressions and brackets, before coding?
“count-selected(.)=3” or “not(selected(., ‘99’) and count-selected(.)>1)”
“not(selected(., ‘99’) and count-selected(.)>1)” or “count-selected(.)=3”
“count-selected(.)=3” or “not(selected(., ‘99’) and count-selected(.)>1)”
“not(selected(., ‘99’) and count-selected(.)>1)” and “count-selected(.)=3”
In the question, there are about 8 options, 5 options must be selected before moving to next questions, if less than 5 or more than five options is selected it will not go to the next question,
However, “None of the above” will be among the 8 options, so if “None of the above” is selected it will it will move to the next questions without selecting 5 options.
count-selected(.)=5 and not(selected(., ‘8’) and (selected(.,’7’) or selected(.,’6’) or selected(.,’5’) or selected(.,’4’) or selected(.,’3’) or selected(.,’2’) or selected(.,’1’)))
count-selected(.)<=5 and not(selected(., ‘8’) and (selected(.,’7’) or selected(.,’6’) or selected(.,’5’) or selected(.,’4’) or selected(.,’3’) or selected(.,’2’) or selected(.,’1’)))
Try this (assuming option 99 corresponds to ‘None of the Above’):
constraint: count-selected(.)=5 or selected(., '99')
Note, you aren’t precise about what to do if other options are selected prior to the user selecting ‘None of the Above’ (eg this is invalid? or we just ignore them?)
the proposed constraint would allow to combine “None of the Above” with any of the other choice(s) and to use it alone. Does this make sense? I would think “None …” should be exclusive.