How to pre-populate data entered in the registration form and show them in child form in dropdown box

Dear @Kal_Lam,

The above UIC is assigned to the firm lets say XYZ company. This UIC is generated in the parent form.

I have another form child form, using dynamic pull data function; I was able to pre-populate the information. My question is; is there any way to pre-populate the UICs generated in the parent form and show them in the child form like in dropdown box. Otherwise, I need to remember those UICs and enter manually to fetch data and show information in the child form.

In the attached screenshot I was wondering if it is possible to have a dropdown box prepopulated with UICs. I am not allowed to use a “Media” attachment like with csv file.

Looking forward to your suppor.t
Thanks, Ram

@ramkhoju, did you mean those text inputs in the parent form should be generated as choices of select_one or select_multiple questions? Correct me if I am wrong.

Dear @Kal_Lam

Thank you so much for your reply.

Yes you are right. Those text inputs in the parent form should be generated as choices of select_one in the child form (pre-populate with dropdown box)

In the parent form, it is a text input and UIC is generated from there.
in the child form, those UICs need to be pre-populated in dropdown box. Currently, I need to remember those UICs entered in parent form and enter in child form to pull data.

Looking forward to hearing for you soon

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Anything I can do to get this solved.

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@ramkhoju, at the moment, this is not possible with KoboToolbox. But we do have a feature request for the same. Maybe you could VOTE for the same to make this a reality:

You could also feel free to reach us back if you wish to sponsor this feature.

Hi Kal_Lam,

thanks for reaching out. This email got me curious. I would like to see this feature integrated into Kobotoolbox as it would greatly expand the usage possibilities allowing better-interconnected forms. That said, I’m unsure how the current approach for sponsoring a feature works. I, for example, wouldn’t be able to be the sole economic contributor with my graduate student salary. Nonetheless, I see that you have a donation system running. I would be interested to know if there are plans to integrate this into some Kickstarter for the feature so that community members could contribute donations towards the development of a feature. In this way, for example, the development of a feature could start if and when the desired funding level is reached. I would be down to contribute with an approach such as this. I think other interested members of the community would support it. Would it be sensible to open a discussion in the forums about approaches to sponsoring features?


Fritz Pichardo

| Kal_Lam Core Team
July 28 |

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@ramkhoju, at the moment, this is not possible with KoboToolbox. But we do have a feature request for the same. Maybe you could VOTE for the same to make this a reality:

Using dynamic data attachment to populate choice lists for select_one and select_multiple fields New Features

Hi everyone, Now that we have the feature of dynamic data attachment to synchronize data from separate projects, I’m wondering if we can use this feature to populate choice lists for the select-one and select-multiple questions as an alternative to updating external files in order to add new choices. The current documentation page for (Dynamic Data Attachments shows how to use it similar to how you would use the pulldata() function (e.g., dynamically selecting an answer from a choice list based…

You could also feel free to reach us back if you wish to sponsor this feature.