How to skip a third question based on the response from the previous 2 questions?

I have three questions.

#1 (fp_rec) has responses 1, 2, and 99

#2 (fp_reason) has responses 1, 2, and 99

I am trying to set #3 to only show when the responses for #1 and #2 are not both ‘2’

I used the following code in the “relevant” column for #3

${fp_rec} != 2 and ${fp_reason} != 2

However, when I test the survey, if I put just #1 (fp_rec) as response ‘2’, question #3 is skipped, even if the response to question #2 is not ‘2’

This seems to be a bug.

Hi @beyond_bias,

Maybe you could do it as outlined in the image below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

In the choices tab of your xlsform:
Image 2

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When the condition is not met

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When the condition is not met

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When the condition is met

Reference xlsform:
Skipping.xlsx (21.3 KB)

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam,

This is helpful. Thank you. Let me ask one more question.

I have two questions.

#1 is multi-select and has responses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

#2 is yes/no

I only want #2 to show if someone selects

  • #1: Response 2 and any other response
  • #1: Response 4 and any other response

I tried to write a skip pattern that said if they selected response 2 or 4, question #2 would be relevant. However, if they select response 2 and something else or response 4 and something else, question #2 does not appear. How would I fix this?

Thank you!

Hi @beyond_bias,

You could do this as outline below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

In the choices tab of your xlsform:
Image 2

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When a conditions are not met

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When a condition is met

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When a condition is met

Reference xlsform:
Skipping_R.xlsx (21.4 KB)

Have a great day!

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