Hello, https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/ server is not working properly right now. I can not open my forms or I can not download them as csv. I would be happy if you could help.
Hi @anilgnydn,
Welcome back to the community! Thank you for flagging this issue in the community! Kindly please be informed that the HHI server seems to be working smoothly while the OCHA server seems to be slowing down/not responding.
Have reported the issue to our developers.
Have a great day!
Hello, https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info server is also not working properly.Unable to collect data online
Hi @oxfamkenya,
Welcome to the community! Kindly please be informed that our developers are looking to it.
Have a great day!
Hey There! We face same problem as our friends mentioned up !
What is the last situation? It still not working.
Hi @anilgnydn, @oxfamkenya, @emreozkan90,
The OCHA server is back and functioning. Would you mind having a try and confirming at your end.
Have a great day!
Yes! Its working right now. Thx for your support!
Hello its working properly right now thank you su much for your support.