I am having problems downloading my database, as the labels option is not available

Hi there.

I am having problems downloading my database, as the labels option is not available.

For example, it downloads t_atiana and not Tatiana.
Please can you help me

Welcome to the community, @tatiana_cubosocial! Have you tried downloading your data as outlined in our previous post?

If it’s still not working, please let us know the server you are using. Maybe that should help us troubleshoot your issue.

I’m having the same problem. I could not find a solution on Kobo platform or community. I’ve seen other people having tha same issue as well.

I just gave up. haha

Now, I’m downloading data with this problem and I created an Excel Sheet with some formulas that can change Xml to Labels. So, I solved it by myself, because I can’t find other solution on Kobo.

I think it’s a bug on Kobo that’s affecting everyone or a large amount of users.