I just got into trouble as soon as i refreshed my dataset

Hi Community,

i just got into trouble as soon as i refreshed my dataset.
It threw me the error below

But i do have this table in my dataset (shown in the pic highlighted in YELLOW)

Could you please let us know the server you are using.

Am on https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/

As a general practice when working with APIs, try to use the /api/v1/data/<xform> link (without the ?format=<format> at the end). I have noticed that Kobotoolbox often returns inconsistent responses when the format tag is added.

The endpoint without the format tag returns JSON, and you will need to do 2 more steps in Power BI to convert it into table.

Please try this and let me know if it works.

Ok…& after establishing API connection and wwat about scheduling refreshes in PBI services…
My API doesnt refreshes…

PLs guide

Hi, pls guide… Its throwing error when am connecting it freshly even

Are you trying to connect your server with an Excel or with a Power BI?

Its Power BI

Are you still not able to link to power BI?

I have linked again by clearing PBI cache… Now its getting refreshed in PBI service after publishing…

But cant say in future wheather it fails again


Thank you for confirming that you issue has been solved by refreshing!