Image display problem in the second language

Dear KBT family,

I have been encountering the issue on the below for a while. When adding logos to the form, it displays perfectly on the main language of the survey. However, when an another language other than default language is selected, images are not being shown in the survey.

Any help would be really appreciated!

Any suggestions?

I would really appreciate any help!

Hi @mcaglidil,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind sharing your xlsform so that we could have a closer look on how your image questions are structured which might have caused the issue.

If you are unable to download your xlsform, please follow the instructions as outlined in the discussion that happened earlier:


Dear @Kal_Lam,

Thank you for your reply. Attached is the xlsform Kobo-survey1.xls (52.5 KB)

As mentioned earlier, in default language images are displayed well, problem is when another language is selected.

Hi @mcaglidil,

Could you also provide me the image files.


Hi @Kal_Lam,

Ive shared the images with you via private message.

Thank you for your valuable support

Hi @mcaglidil,

Please note that as you have 3 different languages in your survey form, it is necessary to define the media::image::language in your survey tab as well as the choices tab of your xlsform as shown in the image below:

In the survey tab:

In the choices tab:

Once you make these changes, you should be able to see the images used in your xlsform survey form as below for all the languages:

In language 1:

In language 2:

In language 3:

Your reference xlsform:
Kobo-survey1.xls (54 KB)

Please note: you may sometimes need to refresh your page to see the image at the beginning.