Improve the table view of data table

Hi there,

By working on several projects and use the table view you discover it’s not very user-friendly. In fact, To go through the table and visualize data you encounter some annoying functions. I am using KOBO Humanitarian response.

First, if you move the slider down, to go to other questions, the three settings columns are going to dissapear. It should very practical if these three columns should be fix. This will avoid to come back at the start of the table each time you need these settings.

Then, if you have more than 13submissions, you will not see the one after the 13th. To scroll through the data, and see other rows, you will need the side cursor side cursor. But your side cursor will only appear if you go at the end of the table view:
It will facilitate the use of this table if the side cursor can always appear.

Moreover, the size of the columns are really little. I think it’s another feature to think about the improvement of the data table. I made a post on it too:

Thanks to note these points,
Chloé :slight_smile:

Hi @chloelaborde,

Thanks for your suggestions! Currently you can chose to freeze columns by clicking on the settings icon on the above the right side of the data table and then click on the drop down Set a frozen first column in the table.

However, there is currently not an option to freeze the “view and edit” column as you are suggesting.

For your second suggestion regarding the side scroll bar, I am a bit confused. Both vertical and side scroll bars should always be available when needed based on your screen size, number of submissions, and number of columns you have. Can you maybe explain in a little more detail what you mean?


Hey @mike.destaubin,

Thank you very much for your answer :slight_smile:
Yes the idea was really to freeze the view and edit which are usefull columns !

About the scroll bar, sorry it may was not enought clear.
Here is a little example: (I have 21submissions for this survey and a lot of question).
In my table I can only see 13 submissions.
When I am at the start of the data table view, I do not have the side scroll bar :

Same when I am at the middle : the side scroll bar doesn’t appear

The side scroll bar only appears when I am at the end of the data table view:

It would be convenient if the side scroll bar always appeared. You will avoid to do a lot of go and back in the table for a question in the middle of the survey by example.

I hope it’s a little clearer,

All the best,
Chloé :blush:

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