In report section, the value of label has shown the (Names) instead of label

I didn’t change anything. It’s alone

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Welcome to the community, @marea_ambulance! So you mean it’s showing the name instead of label. Could you also let us know if you had made any updates to the project? I mean did you make any changes to the question/choices and then redeploy it?

I have mentioned about that. Just say you don’t know and stop reply randomly on posts

لايوجد اي خطأ
اذا نوع السؤال “نص” عندها ستظهر الاجابات العربية ضمن المخطط , اما في اسئلة الاختيارات سيظهر الاسم البرمجي ضمن المخطط

اذا لم تتضح الامور, يمكنك توضيح سؤالك

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بل يوجد خطأ من عندهم
لانه منذ عدة سنين وحتى اخر عدة ايام كان يظهر الاجابات
فالمشكلة عندك ايضا و يبدو قديمة ولا تعرف ذلك

@marea_ambulance, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Solution is: changing
label::Arabic (ar)
I have tried that on copy of my project