Internal Server Error: <h1>Server Error (500)</h1>

Hi everyone!

When I try to view the data of a specific form, this show up:

I need your help!


Could you kindly let us know the server you are using?

Our own server

Hi @SebastianZ
Unfortunately we do not have the ability to determine what is the issue on your server. Can you confirm whether this affect all projects or just some particular ones?


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Just one project

Just one project

Hi @SebastianZ
Can you try downloading the XLS version of your data and confirm that you can download it without issue.

Could you follow up the suggestion provided in 2/2 below here

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I can’t download the data

Hi @SebastianZ,

Does your survey project have a select_one_from_file or a select_multiple_from_file question type. If yes, then this is a known bug. Maybe you could follow the same here:

Kindly please confirm.

I think I am not using something like that.
This is my xlsForm.
Form.xlsx (10.5 KB)

Seems like this form should not be an issue. Would you mind trying to create a different new dummy project and see if the issue still persists?

I did it, but I don’t recive a problem

I did it, but I don’t recive a problem