Is it possible to build test/exam questions on kobo with set marks/points and get real time results? Please show me how to do that. I mean for correct answers the sum should given out of. For example 5 correct answers out of 10 questions. Thank you
Is it possible to build test/exam questions on kobo with set marks/points and get real time results?
thanks @al3x22 welcome to community
of course, it is possible.
Please provide the community with one or more questions according to the types you have and the community will help you
@al3x22, maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:
Thank you for the example its very useful . However, for pre and post test i do not want the person taking the test to see the marks. How do i do that
Hi @Vonaib and welcome to the community!
The note
s in Kal’s example, displays the calculation
results. If you don’t add notes that display the results, people who fill your form can’t see those, but you can in the data