Is there any server issue my Kobotoolbox is currently experiencing issues loading of XLSForms

is there any server issue my Kobotoolbox is currently experiencing issues loading of XLSForms. Not showing any error just continue loading. No internet issue.

Welcome to the community, @devpatankar! Could you let us know the server you are using?

Thank Kal_Lam for quick reply. I am using KoboToolbox (kf.kobotoolbox) for my forms.

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Thank you, @devpatankar for bringing this to the community. We are investigating it now.

@devpatankar, could you kindly please confirm? The issue has been resolved with my testing!

Thanks, Now working

Dear colleagues,

We are also experiencing issues when uploading an XForm from the desktop dashboard. The upload popup seems to get stuck and the form never gets uploaded:

We are using the server.



Still having same problem to upload xls form

Thank you for bringing this back to the community, @devpatankar, @ibagur! We will investigate and fix it up.

Sorry, the service has been under a very heavy and unexpected load. We believe the problem to be resolved now.

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