Hello, if there is any ways to save the data that is submitted direct to csv file that is already in media file?
Welcome to the community, @Areen! Did you mean you wish to save the data entered in the project directly to the CSV file stored in the SETTINGS>Media? If yes, why would you like to have it like this?
Yes dear, I need it to be similar to Data Base
I have the patients and every patient id have multiple visits , I know I can save all visited on one css file and return it by pull data and ID.
On the same time can I save the new visit that is submitted on the same css file directly ?!
Any solution!?
Hello, Can I store the data that is submitted on kobo direct to media file”csv File”
Would you mind, please, to post the same issue only one in the community forum?
See Is there any ways to save the data that is submitted direct to csv file that is already in media file? - #3 by Kal_Lam
You may delete this new posting, please.
Thank you
I deleted it
Anyone can help me?
@Areen, unfortunately, entering data through a form and then saving them in the uploaded media CSV file is not possible within the system. You will need to do this manually.
Maybe if you are interested, you could also look at our other feature, which should somehow solve your issue of updating the required data that you entered in a previous form.