Is there offline app available on PC?

I want to entry data offline on PC, I wondering if there offline kobo app available on windows pc?

Best Regards,

@sophearom, we have two options for data collection. The first is the use of Collect android app which is only compatible with android devices. The second is the Enketo. Using Enketo, you should be able to collect both online and offline data for any devices using your devices browser. For details please feel free to visit our support article Collecting Data through Web Forms.

Thank you Kal_Lam - I’m about to collect data about 100 records per collector, is there have any experienced How many record can be store on Enketo?

Best Regards,

@sophearom, it should be possible unless you use media files which should take a lot of space.

absolutely, we capture photo as well. 1 to 3 photos each, do you think that possible?

This again depends upon the size of your image. If the size of your image is large, it is more likely that you are able to store less with your browser while if they are small it’s more likely that you are able to store more with your browser. But, maybe you could always submit your data to the server if you feel like the storage of your browser is full.

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We plan capture about 50000 records included 1-3 photos on kobocollection app android. somehow what are the best method to export report included photo refer?

Best Regards,

You will have to submit the collected data to the server on a routine basis.