Hi, I would like to be able to show another data binded to a selection:
- Select the
- It should show the
attached of the RHU as a note
Currently, my workaround is to use select_one to show the UFI.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I would like to be able to show another data binded to a selection:
+ Province
attached of the RHU as a noteCurrently, my workaround is to use select_one to show the UFI.
Thanks in advance!
@lishechen, here is a simple workaround for using the jr:choice-name
This post discussed previously should help you learn how to use it. You should also be able to search for other posts discussed here on jr:choice-name
Other options might be:
You can find examples using the search function of this forum, as @Kal_Lam noted above already.
Hi Kal! Thanks for the input. I believe I have not been clear but what I mean was the UFI is an associated Unique Facility ID for the RHU (Rural Health Unit). Meaning I would like to make sure that whenever I end up choosing a certain RHU, its corresponding UFI should show as a note. How can this be possible? Thank you!
Can the RHU - UFI mapping be defined mathematically? E.g. UFI = ${RHU} - (${RHU} mod 100) ). This should replace the 2 last digits by 00.
But based on your examples, I am afraid there is not such conversion rule.
Otherwise you could use a “mapping” choice_list, here an example (found with the famous search function of this forum): How to generate dynamic labels based on a calculation - #4 by nat.
Similary, an external mapping csv file and pulldata may be an option.
Hint: You need a calculate type if you want store the UFI in the data. (A note will not store it).
Hi would you have an example of the csv file + pulldata option? I feel like this might be a good solution. Many thanks!