Kobo humanitarian server is down?

Good day everyone, i just login to my kobotoolbox humanitarian server and i notice in Enketo webform, i cant upload my form details, this is what i getting

unable to deploy

if this problem persists, contact help@kobotoolbox.org

Server Error (500).

I am experiencing the same challenge.

I am facing the same challenge too. I can’t upload xls form

@chiabotu, @Doreen1, @pmi_pumra thank you for brining this to our attention. We will let you know once we resolve the issue.

@chiabotu, @Doreen1, @pmi_pumra, please be informed that the issue has been resolved.

Thanks @Kal_Lam

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@Doreen1, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

@Kal_Lam,thank you

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@chiabotu, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: