Kobocollect and Geo features

Hi, I have about fifty seven (57) entries on my form and I am wondering if there is a way to display the form on a single page in Kobocollect app rather than swiping from left to right. Secondly the geotrace and geoshape does not work on my device. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi @edmundrotimi,

For your first response the following example could be helpful, if you are designing your form in xlsform. Try using this example in the survey sheet of the worksheet:

type name label appearance
begin group group1 field-list
text name Respondent’s name
integer age Respondent’s age
string address Respondent’s address
end group

For more detail on field-list please visit the xlsform’s site.

For your second response the following example could be helpful, if you are designing your form in xlsform. As for the first example try using the example in the survey sheet of the worksheet:

type name label required appearance
geotrace Q1 Q1. Geotrace
geoshape Q2 Q2. Geoshape

Please be informed that geotrace records a line of two or more GPS coordinates while the geoshape records a polygon of multiple GPS coordinates; the last point is the same as the first point. For more details on geotrace checkout the ODK documentation here. Similarly, for more details on geoshape checkout the ODK documentation here.

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