Kobotoolbox and MS access

I want to use Microsoft Access and Kobotoolbox to develop a Bio ID card system. The objective of this project is to create a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates data from Kobotoolbox into Microsoft Access, generating Bio ID cards with auto-generated photos retrieved from the Kobotoolbox server

Welcome to the community, @CalebTek! FYR:

However, let’s see if our valued users have any workaround.

Hi @CalebTek,
Adding with @Kal_Lam, You can also try the below diagram. Because MS Access can import data from Excel and you have to Link the MS Excel table with MS Access. So whenever the Excel data will be updated from the Kobo server, the MS Access database will also be updated the MS Excel data. Your main data source for the MS Access will be the MS Excel data file. You can try, hope it will work. Regards,

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Hello, @mdarshad17
This is incredibly helpful, and I’ll use the diagram and let you know how it turns out.


@mdarshad17, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: