Last saved value support - edit or upload xml?

I have a form where I would like to implement the ${last-saved#field} available in XLSForms v2. I tried uploading a new xls spreadsheet to Kobotoolbox with the default set with this option but it imports this as if it were text string rather than parsing it. The form works as expected when I convert to xml using XLSForms online (ODK - XLSForm Online v2.x)

I assume that this means the current version of Kobocat doesn’t handle this feature so I wonder if there is a work around whereby I can edit the xml manually or upload the ‘correct’ xml

Otherwise, is there a plan or timescale to upgrade / update the XLSForm ‘engine’?

Many thanks.

Hi @seewhy
Your assessment is right, we have not yet had an upgrade that would address the issue with last saved.

At the moment we are working on other upgrades which would solve this issue among a set of other issues. Unfortunately we can not tell specifically when this will be done since we have other more pressing requests. KIndly forllow the following issue log to monitor the progress.

Upgrade to pyxform 1.3.4 · Issue #2605 · kobotoolbox/kpi · GitHub,

No we do not have a very concise timeline but we are sure this may not happen in 2020

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Hi @stephanealoo
Thanks for your reply - it is helpful to understand how things are moving and to be able to track progress.
Keep up the great work with the upgrades and requests.


@seewhy, with the upgrade of pyxform, KoBoToolbox now supports the last-saved feature. For those members who do not know how to design an xlsform, you could do it as outlined in the image shared below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

Image 1

Reference xlsform:

Last Saved.xlsx (10.0 KB)

Note: This feature at the moment is only supported through the Collect android app. The Enketo still does not support this.

For other new updates, available in KoBoToolbox, please feel free to have a look at our release note:

hi @Kal_Lam
Thanks for drawing my attention to the upgrade by responding to the post. That’s great news. I assume that if I edit the xlsform and redeploy I will be able to integrate the new data with existing rather than needing to set up a new project?

Many thanks for this, much appreciated.

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@seewhy, you got that correct.

Make a change for me :grinning: