Our staff in Ethiopia is no longer able to log into their accounts. Is anyone else having this trouble?
Our staff in Ethiopia is no longer able to log into their accounts. Is anyone else having this trouble?
Hi @kimbatts,
Are you still facing the problem? If yes, you could select forgot my password (in the login dialogue box). Having done this, a password will be sent to your mail (the one that you registered the account with). You can login with the password and then later on reset the password (that is convenient to you).
Hello Kim
im in Ethiopia what respond did you get from kobo? i really like to help if you staff near by me.
do your staff use proxy server? do your organization use a vlan with restriction?
you can get my contact if you need to
Unfortunately I never received a response from Kobo. The staff needed to re-sign up for another account.
Hi @kimbatts,
Did you try the one that i suggested you in your reply post almost 6 hours ago? If you were not successful, please let us know.
I’m having the same issue, me and my team have not been able to log into our accounts after logging out for the first time.
“It is possible you are trying to access the account on the wrong server (there are two separate instances of KoBoToolbox for humanitarians and other users - kobo.humanitarianresponse.info and kf.kobotoolbox.org).”
Has anyone else with this problem been able to solve it?
Hi @Andreasant,
Welcome to the community! Would you mind sharing me your user name, email id and the server you are using (in a private message) so that i could have a look at it.
Hi @Kal_Lam, I know this is an old past, but I’m also experiencing this issue currently. I have typed in the correct username and password (bearing in mind the case sensitivity) and Kobo wont let me in. However a team-mate is able to use exactly the same logins with no issues. When I try to use another Kobo account (for a separate project) I’m also not allowed in for the same reasons. I’ve tried the password reset but nothing even gets sent to my email address. Could you give me some further advice?
Welcome back to the community, @Gabrielle! Would you mind reaching us through support@kobotoolbox.org
for account-related issues? But please make sure that you reach us through the email id that was registered with your user account. We shall help you reset your password. While reaching us please reach us with the following information: