Looking for AWS kobo installation guide

Hello Guys

I got stuck in KOBO from one month , Could you guys help me here

do you have any guide for AWS

i did installation but kobo from was loading stuck there now i need any one here who did successful please guide me it will save my job

Hi @Mdkhamru,

Have you gone through our support article Installing KoBoToolbox on Your Own Servers. It should be helpful.

Have a great day!

after going had installed issue where there

@Kal_Lam Nothing help much

if you don’t mind can schedule the google meeting ?

Hi @Mdkhamru,

Unfortunately we can’t schedule private support calls as our team has very limited availability and we have to prioritize support requests that are related to the tool hosted at our public servers, https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info and https://kf.kobotoolbox.org.

However, there are many advanced users with great technical skills who have installed KoBoToolbox on their servers or personal computers, who may be able to help you. I suggest you provide as much detail as possible about your problem and narrow it down as best you can. This will definitely help others to weigh in and try to help you out.

Have a great day!

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already shared but no luck