Looking for help on identifying the problem with my form

Dear Forum,

I have prepared my XLForm offline and the form will be used for Health Facility Assessment on availability and management of essential drugs and medicines. I want some questions on the form to appear as matrices on Kobo Collect. Testing the form using XLForm Online gives me an error: [row: 36] Question or group with no name. when I return to the form, the group name is there. And when I upload on my account and deploy it, it gives me a pop-up of Server Error as shown in the screenshot. I attached the form.
Looking forward to you help.

Lipiri AP Evaluation Health Facility Assessment _MatriX Questions.xlsx (25.3 KB)

@ctmukhala, have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator to see if there are any syntax issues?

Yes, I did and it is giving the feedback that [row: 36] Question or group with no name and when I check the from, it is the end_group, which has a defined group name

@ctmukhala, seems like your issue is with the begin_kobomatrix and end_kobomatrix. Maybe you will need to go through this support article Question Matrix Response Type to fix it.

Let me go through the link however, I did indicate that the groups are kobo matrices

Even the Example on the Matrix Question type fails validation on XLForm Online.
Asset Matrix Question Example.xlsx (9.8 KB). Like in this case, it says Error: [row : 5] Question or group with no name. but it’s the end of the matrix

Hola @ctmukhala tal vez este enfoque te sea de utilidad para lo que requieres, tener presente que las matrices hasta donde tengo conocimiento solo funcionan en Enketo y no en Collect ademas que si se esta trabajando desde dispositivos moviles estas matrices se visualizan de mejor manera con el dispositivo horizontalmente.

Asset Matrix Question Example.xlsx (10.0 KB)

Thanks, LuisB, though I can’t understand French I have seen the modifications you have made to the form but still not showing the Asset names