Missing Rating questions responses

Oh wow, I did that, I downloaded the form, checked it, it all looked great, and then just uploaded it as another new project, did the test survey myself and all the answers appeared there, that is really weird, what could have happened on the original form? I did not do anything extra, can you check the new project and let me know if everything looks okay please? its called SIMWB Test Upload

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Something weird happened, im checking the new project from the builder and it has changed all the ranking questions into multiple choice ones, why is that?

You will not need to worry about this. The system is still able to hold the rating response from your survey project.

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I have the same issue with missing data
and it’s curious that I have half of the questions answers
like “rate the statements” and 8/10 are rated and ratings for the last 2 are missing
Is there a solution for this?
Thank you!