Multiple Answers Selected in Parent Question Don't Provide Multiple Associated Follow-On Lists

Morning KoBo Community,

Hope you’re all good? I’ve just organised a cascade template which is runs as select_multiple through all the questions, including the parent question.

If multiple answers are provided in the parent question, I would like the associated lists in the follow on questions to pop-up. However I’m finding that if I select multiple answers in the parent question, no follow-on lists at all in the cascaded questions are provided.

Please see the below for reference:

When One Answer is Selected

When Multiple Answers are Selected

As you can see, when I choose multiple options in the parent question, the follow-on questions don’t return anything. I’m using a cascade template to build this, any guidance on the code I should use to get this working will be highly welcome.

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere already.


Welcome back to the community, @wurzel_grumage! This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

@Kal_Lam thanks for coming back with the above, much appreciated.

I’ve followed instructions, but seem to be having some trouble still. I’m using the attached data home_maintenance_cascade.xlsx (19.7 KB)
, the first question appears, as do the follow-on questions, However no follow-on answers come up when an answer in the parent is selected.

I add an image below to show what I mean.

Could you shed any more light please? I’m definitely missing something with the code, but I’ve tried a few options out and am struggling.


@Kal_Lam I think I’ve worked out what the problem is now. Going to have a play and come back. I didn’t update the column to suit my new data. I thought it was an index of the answers for some stupid reason :man_facepalming:

Will have another crack and come back if I’m struggling.


@Kal_Lam just tweaked and it’s working now. Thanks!

Thanks for coming back @abuislam. The problem was the label data on the choices tab didn’t correspond with the label reference data in the calculation tab on the survey. Once I updated that it all worked.
