Hi Kal_Lam,
Am having issues uploading a form for the past 4 - 5 hours. Any help to resolve this issues as enumerators are already out there in the hot burning awaiting the forms?
Kindly revert with solutions and thanks
September 8, 2022, 4:00pm
@Osman_yotta , we will update you when this issue is resolved. FYR:
Hello, everyone, and thank you for your patience. My colleague @nolive and I have been working (and continue to work) this morning to resolve the issue on kf.kobotoolbox.org that has been preventing most imports and exports from completing successfully. This has also delayed the POSTing of most submissions to external REST Services servers.
A brief explanation: requests made by a browser need to return in a relatively short amount of time, but not all tasks can complete that quickly. Some examp…
September 9, 2022, 2:10am
@Osman_yotta , this issue has now been resolved.
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