New feature request: supervisor role

What is the general goal of the feature?
To make working with a large team of enumerators more efficient

What are the most likely user stories for how and when this would be used by someone on your team?
We would use it to assign supervisor role to a small number of field enumerator team leaders. They would have the ability to validate submissions from enumerators on their team, but not be able to validate or review submissions from other teams.

Can you sketch out graphically how you think this should look/work in practice?
not very well

How useful would this feature be to other users or organizations?
I think it would be very useful to anyone working with a large group of geographically dispersed enumerators

What can you contribute to making this feature a reality?
just the idea that a user level between survey owner and survey enumerator would be worthwhile

Hi @bobbowen,

Backing up with the post you had made regarding the same (for further clarification).

Have a great day!

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