New submission dowload system missing language label

Dear Kobo team
I notice that a new system for downloading subbmission has been implemented. But this new system doesn’t provide the “Value and header format” option "Label (language) (in my case Label (it))
That’s option affects specially the “select one” and “select many” questions. The label option, replace the spaces with the underscore underscore symbol (“my_selection” instead of “my selection” for example).
So, is it possible to add the language option as before? The XLS file will be processed by another system and if it isn’t well formatted, the process fail.
I hope I explained myself
Available for more details

Warm regards
Valerio Abbattista

Kindly please be informed that if you have only one language, you will not have the option to choose the language while downloading. If you have more than one language in your survey project, you should be able to choose the label of that particular language while downloading your dataset. For details, you could also have a look at the post discussed previously:

I don’t think i never used arabic language
My project currently set in italian as shown in figure

I solved the problem adding a second language (ie English) and now I can choose between the 2 languages label option in the dowload section

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@valerioabbattista, could you help me understand this issue? If your project had only one language, Italian (it), then the export “Value and header format” should show two options: “Labels” and “XML values and headers”. “Labels” should give you the Italian text; for select questions, this could contain spaces like my selection. By contrast, choosing “XML values and headers” should give you systematic names that do not contain spaces, like my_selection.

This behavior should not have changed with the latest update, and you should not need to add a second language.

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Having looked at an old version, I think we used to have a bug where if a form had a single, named language, then the “Value and header format” drop-down menu would show three choices:

  1. “XML values and headers”
  2. “Labels”
  3. The named language, e.g. “Italian (it)”

I’ve just tested and (1) and (2) actually produced exactly the same result. This was a bug. There was no need to show both (2) and (3), as (2) should have rendered the Italian labels.

Since the new release, we show only (1) and (2) unless you have more than one language. If I’m reading your first post correctly, you should use (1), “XML values and headers”, where you previously used “Labels”, i.e. when you need question names and choice labels that do not contain spaces.

Sorry for the confusion!

cc @magicznyleszek @duvld @Josh

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Even if I choose “XML values and headers” the result is the same. I’ll show you in this picture

Take a look at column C,H and I. They correspond to a “one choise” questions and you can notice that the words conteins “_” instead of spaces. It seems that it uses the XLM name instead of the label of the single choices.

I thought that’s what you wanted. If you choose “Labels”, do you not get the Italian choice labels? (Perhaps now you no longer have “Labels” as a choice since you’ve added a second language?)

No I don’t. The result is the same both if use “labels” or “XML values and headers”
Looking at the choices sheet of xls version of the project, what is shown (in the submission xls sheet) is the “name” column. What i need is the “label::Italian (it)” column

:warning: Edit: I think this worked for me because the first version of my form had an unnamed language, i.e. a column called label, and I named the translation in the second version.

Thanks. This is quite different from the behavior I see on the latest, deployed version:

survey sheet

type name label::English (en)
select_one lo4ze97 I_am_a_question_label I am a question label

choices sheet

list_name name label::English (en)
lo4ze97 option_one Option One
lo4ze97 option_two Option Two

“Labels” export

I am a question label _id _uuid _submission_time _validation_status _notes _status _submitted_by _tags _index
Option One 89845584 c2e90c4d-b13d-4585-a5bf-5c23b517a6a2 2021-03-23T21:31:54 [] submitted_via_web 1
Option Two 89845658 5983c682-4aee-42f2-8070-007de4b92837 2021-03-23T21:32:32 [] submitted_via_web 2

“XML values and headers” export

I_am_a_question_label _id _uuid _submission_time _validation_status _notes _status _submitted_by _tags _index
option_one 89845584 c2e90c4d-b13d-4585-a5bf-5c23b517a6a2 2021-03-23T21:31:54 [] submitted_via_web 1
option_two 89845658 5983c682-4aee-42f2-8070-007de4b92837 2021-03-23T21:32:32 [] submitted_via_web 2
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how can i do this report so i can compare?

I did it manually :slight_smile: If you’re asking about the syntax for embedding a table here, there’s a reference for that at Create a table using markdown on your Discourse forum - tips & tricks - Discourse Meta. I’ve found that the GitHub issue editor (e.g.) allows me to paste tables from LibreOffice Calc (at least in Firefox on Linux) and automatically converts them to Markdown.

I’m looking at your account now to see if I can figure out the problem.

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We’ve tracked the problem at Cannot export labels when project has a single, named language · Issue #3107 · kobotoolbox/kpi · GitHub and will release a fix soon.

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Thanks for the report. This should now be fixed by Release Notes - versions 2.021.12, 2.021.12a - #2 by jnm.

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Thank you for fixing the problem